After fulfilling our diploma , what are the next steps?
Our suggestions..
α) Organise your own group and charter a yacht
(for Greece you need a sailing licence ).
β) Get on with your practice through Weekend Sailing μuntill you feel ready to charter a yacht by your own in order to go for your first excursion. Your practice can be achieved through or daily or weekend grpoups .
You can organize these classes in the presence of your own group and train while taking a short vacation. In any case, the skipper is a professional coach and can assist you during chartering.
γ) Να ενταχθείτε στην αγωνιστική ιστιοπλοϊκή οικογένεια και να τρέχετε σχεδόν κάθε εβδομάδα στους αγώνες που διοργανώνονται (έχετε πλέον αθλητική ταυτότητα). Αυτο γίνεται σε αγωνιστικά σκάφη. Σημειωτέον ειναι οτι χρειάζεται να παρακολουθήσετε τα αγωνιστικά τμήματα, γιατί τα σκάφη πάνε στα όρια τους και τα μέλη του πληρώματος πρεπει να έχουν ήδη την σχετική εκπαίδευση.
Join the competitive sailing family
and race almost every week in the organized races
(you now have a sports ID). This is done in racing boats.
It should be noted that you need to watch the sail racing lessons,
because the boats go to their limits
and the crew members must already have the relevant training.
ζ) Professional course. Based on your sailing diploma you can drive a sailing boat up to 24 meters. This and in combination with other certificates and diplomas can lead you to a career at sea. It needs lots and lots of practice along with extra knowledge and diplomas. Our rationale and desire is for your sailing diploma to give you knowledge and infinite possibilities for an alternative way of contact with the sea and nature!!! Sailing is one of the sports where the concept of doping does not exist. Joining sailing clubs on the weekends, and the common sport, often act as a catalyst in our daily stress